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Immigrating to Canada as a Worker – How Should I Prepare?

RelydenceImmigration Immigrating to Canada as a Worker – How Should I Prepare?

Immigrating to Canada as a Worker – How Should I Prepare?

If you are looking to immigrate to Canada as a worker, then what should you know about, what should you prepare and how should you plan them? Answering these questions is not easy, but we’ve simplified it for you in this blog post. This is a general depiction of the steps to take if you are ever considering to move to Canada by getting a work permit. 

Step 1: Research Canadian Immigration Regulation Eligibility

Find out if you are eligible to immigrate to Canada as a worker to ensure you are not wasting any time or money. You can contact us for preliminary assessment, or any eligible immigration consultant or lawyers to find out. Moreover, you can do some extensive research by going online as well.

Step 2: Define Your Strengths

Identify what your main strengths are in your career. This helps you to define what you can do and in which industry you can work in Canada. 

Step 3: Choose Your Career

Research the average income and general duties in work fields you are targeting to work in Canada. 

Step 4: Choose Your Residence

Find out which cities and provinces of Canada you’d like to live. This may depend on the population, career expansion opportunity, income, immigration regulation, etc. You can select the best city and province that fits your taste the most, and focus on that area when applying for jobs. 

Step 5: Prioritize

Focus on the number one job or career you want to start in Canada, and move onto the next job if it’s too difficult or time consuming. Depending on which area of Canada, or which job you are planning to get, there are specific careers that are very hard to get due to high competition in the market at that point in time. 

Step 6: Build Your Resume

Build your resume in a way that focuses on your main strengths on the particular job that you are applying for. Your resume should explain why you are a perfect fit for this job and for this company that you are applying for. Try to customize your resume for each company that you are applying, so that the receiver can know that you’ve put enough thought and passion into this job and company. Applying with a specific cover letter helps as well. Use relevant tools such as resume builders and resume templates, so that your presentation is clear, concise, and impactful. 

Step 7: Search for Jobs

You can search for jobs online by visiting job recruitment websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed.ca, Kijiji, and more. 

Step 8: Apply for Jobs 

International Experience Canada: If you already have a working holiday visa that enables you to work anywhere in Canada for one year, then you can just move to Canada right away, and visit the companies that you are looking for the job to leave your resumes. Moreover, you can send your resumes online as well by using emails and other existing platforms. Be proactive with your job search. 

Foreign Workers Who Need LMIA: If you are already in Canada as a student (Study Permit holders) or a visitor (Visitor Record holders), then you can visit the companies directly to leave your resumes, plus apply for jobs online at the same time. If you are not in Canada, then you can apply for jobs online by sending emails and leveraging existing platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed.ca, and Kijiji. 

Step 9: Job Interview

International Experience Canada: If you are already in Canada, then you can have an in-person interview with the business owner/manager. If you are not in Canada, or you are asked to do the interview via online due to COVID-19, then you can proceed with the interview by using online platforms. 

Foreign Workers Who Need LMIA: If you are in Canada as a student or a visitor, then you can proceed with the interview in-person. If the employer prefers to have an interview via online, or if you are overseas, then you can have the interview online. Ensure to study possible questions you’re going to be asked on the interview. There are tools available for you to go over possible questions and sample good answers online. Making a strong impression for candidates that are in overseas is very important, as numerous employers prefer candidates who can work immediately. 

Step 10: Job Offer Contract Review

Ensure to review your job offer/contract thoroughly, especially if you are planning to apply for Permanent Residence (for working holiday visa holders) or are asking for LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment). There are particular conditions that the employer must follow, so that you can be eligible to apply for PR or LMIA such as working hours per week, wages per week, job titles and job duties. Make sure to honestly indicate this to your employer that’s planning to hire you, as they can proceed with your recruitment before they finalize their job offer. 

Note: For International Experience Canada Work Permit holders (such as Working Holiday), go straight to Step 13. 

Step 11: Apply for LMIA

Your employer should apply for LMIA to sponsor your work permit before you can start working. Your employer can ask their immigration consultants or lawyers to help them with the application. 

Step 12: Apply for Work Permit

Once your employer successfully receives a positive LMIA, then you can proceed with the work permit application. 

Step 13: Start Working 

Once you have a valid work permit, and a secured job, then you can start working in Canada as a foreign worker. 

Step 14: Review & Check Your Status Requirement

Ensure to check that your legal requirement to work in Canada are met. For instance, each LMIA-based work permit has a clear indication on your job title, job duties, how many hours you should work and how much you should be paid. 


Making sure to do your due diligence before immigrating to Canada as a worker is crucial to your success in starting a new life in Canada. If you’d like to consult about your specific situation further, then please contact us or submit a free assessment in our website.  

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