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RelydenceImmigration Canada Announces New Pilot Programs to Support Caregivers and Canadian Families

Canada Announces New Pilot Programs to Support Caregivers and Canadian Families

In a significant move to support Canadian families and recognize the role of caregivers, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has announced the launch of new pilot programs aimed at providing better opportunities for caregivers from abroad. The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, revealed that the government intends to make these caregiver programs permanent, reflecting their indispensable role in Canadian society.

The new programs, announced on June 3rd, 2024, will significantly benefit caregivers who work hard to care for children, seniors, and persons with disabilities. The Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot are ending this month, and the new initiatives will ensure that caregivers receive continued and improved support.

Under the new pilot programs, home care workers will be granted permanent residence (PR) when they arrive in Canada. They will also be allowed to work for organizations that offer temporary or part-time care for individuals who are semi-independent or recovering from injuries or illnesses. This pathway simplifies the process for caregivers to find stable employment with reliable employers and gives them immediate access to permanent resident status.

The new programs have specific criteria to ensure that only qualified individuals are chosen. Candidates must achieve a minimum level 4 on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB), have the equivalent of a Canadian high school diploma, possess recent and relevant work experience, and receive a full-time home care job offer.

Minister Marc Miller emphasized the importance of these programs, stating, “Caregivers play a critical role in supporting Canadian families, and our programs need to reflect their invaluable contributions. As we work to implement a permanent caregivers program, these two new pilots will not only improve support for caregivers but also provide families with the quality care they deserve.”

The announcement also highlighted the personal impact and community feedback that led to these changes. The Honourable Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business, remarked, “After hearing stories and feedback from caregivers across Canada, I am proud that we are taking concrete action to create policies to support the caregiver community. Generations of women and men have advocated for this important pathway and have cared for our families and loved ones here in Canada. Now is the time to return the care they deserve.”

These new PR on arrival pilot programs signify a significant step forward in Canada’s efforts to meet the evolving home care needs of its diverse population. Further details on eligibility criteria and the application process will be released before the full launch of the pilots.

As Canada enhances its immigration policies, these new caregiver pilot programs demonstrate a commitment to supporting those who provide essential care to families across the nation. This initiative not only acknowledges the hard work of caregivers but also aims to ensure that Canadian families have access to high-quality home care services.

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